Got fat // Gym day 1

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It was time to face the music. Stuffing your face every day with food unfortunately starts showing over time. haha
Today i looked at myself in the mirror and i saw a Turkish kebab vendor that is his own best customer. It was time for a change.

I have this problem, kinda.

I never watched what i ate. When i was younger i used to play basketball. Training twice a day and games on sunday, so i could eat a horse and not notice it.
I remember during college in the university cantina id order something crazy like 3-4 hamburgers and end them in a couple minutes.
But then injuries came and knee surgery and my career was done.

Because of that i never learned my limit since i could eat as much as i wanted and never get fat.
Go a couple years into the future and i went from a 6 pack to a cushion belly. Lol.

Anyways… Since i follow @exyle and @nathanmars on twitter, my twitter notifications are filled with them doing the “Seven” challenge. So i decided to join the Seven challenge myself (kind of lol)…

Doing 7 push ups per day wont do much for me so instead ill try and lose 7kg (15 pounds) in 30 days or as long as it might take. Thats a pretty difficult challenge to do while keeping healthy but its not impossible since i have already done it a year ago. (lost a bit under 15kg in around 2 months) Ill also try and increase my bench press by 70 kg. (A year ago i benched around 150kg or 330 pounds and today i did a 5×3/ 80kg.)

So i have 2 sevens present. haha. I think thats symbolic enough.

So here are some numbers…

On 22.5.2019:

Weight: 128kg (282 pounds)
Height: 198cm (6 ft 5)
Bench press: 80 kg (176 pounds)


Weight: 121kg (266 pounds)
Height: 205 cm (6 ft 7)
Bench press: 150 kg (330 pounds)

To make it more juicy im going to share my “shame” now. Haha. A gym, day 1 selfie. I would have taken my shirt off but the man titties arent a pretty sight. lol

Ill see you guys and

Keep on exercising!

BITCOIN: Price Action coming

Quick post here…

We may see the end of the 4th corrective wave in the coming hours.

BITCOIN is reaching a decision resistance line of a symmetrical triangle. Since the volume is sustained I think we should see a breakage of the resistance line upwards.

Also RSI is showing a slight divergence which supports the trend.

The Target projection is 9600 USD.



*Disclaimer: This is just my personal point of view, please, do your own assessment and act consequently. Neither this post nor myself is responsible of any of your profit/losses obtained as a result of this information.

Steem Monsters just got a bit better.

Image result for splinterlands

Every now and then i like to write a few words about Steem Monsters. I might be the biased since i did invest quite a bit (for my standards) into the game but i still will say in a honest tone that the game outperformed my expectations.

Smart addition, one after another and at the proper pace and moment.

If i were to sum up this latest update into a sentence id say that they just added a whole new reason to stay logged in and play the game. Before all i did was the daily (maybe a tournament or two) and now i find myself doubling the time i spend ingame..

Its very different from the experience ive had on Next Colony or Drug Wars. A chore i dont enjoy doing everyday but i still do it because i fear missing out on something down the line.
The first i still grind through a bit every day when i see my resources fill up and Drug Wars i completely gave up on. (Still hoping my 20k Future tokens will sell some day on obyte)

SM is starting to get a significant amount of polish as well. You can clearly see a new aesthetic take shape. Tie that in with the depth the game is starting to show and you end up with a enjoyable time for the player.

Just a few thoughts while i wait for my promo cards. 🙂

Keep on!.

Liberland show

In this episode our guest Stanley Stephen Huntsman, World Diplomat of Liberland, discusses:

1) How his yoga-centered journey led him to discovering Liberland
2) Many different types of health improvement therapy
3) Why Austin, Texas is a great place to be. Especially if you are a Liberlandian.

Contact Stanley:

Register for the Liberland in Africa Summit:

Follow the Liberland Show:
Google Podcasts:…

*Our show is hosted by Adam J. Carswell.

Someone at Steem Inc should hire these guys…

I am not a big defensor of @drugwars, despite I am still playing the game from time to time, I have been very critic with some of the decisions they have done…

I think they did some bad movements leaving the STEEM blockchain but I understood why they did thought…

I have to recognise that they know how to build a business from almost zero…

They have a Business case, they have a goal and a Development Plan and they are implementing the necessary changes for the game to be more and more playable every week, no doubt about…

Even if they move out of our blockchain, they are still highly supportive with STEEM… and seems they are really focused in Crypto ADOPTION…

ACCESS for free with your FACEBOOK or GOOGLE account but BUY a STEEM ACCOUNT to obtain more benefits/advantage

The game will improve and also other projects of their portfolio will be launched… It is a question of time only…In the meantime they develop their own token at Obyte (FUTURE) and they reward with both, FUTURES and STEEM…ok, maybe to get rewarded with STEEM is more complicate now since you have to pass by their forum but, come on! They are doing something really focused on bringing investors, even if they are only gamers, to the STEEM blockchain!

We should all recognise the fact they are good developers doing great business…and that is an important point to learn by others…also at the STEEM Blockchain…

You can have the best product but that is irrelevant if you don’t know how to sell it.

By the way, thanks to @beiker that told me that now you can support @drugwars with BAT tokens using Brave… as I said, they are smart and they know how to make business…

I set up already my monthly contribution of BAT to them, you deserve it.


Liberland show

In this episode our guest Stephen Wood, Vice President of the Liberland Foundation, discusses:

1) How he is helping Liberland gain tax exempt status for its humanitarian efforts
2) His insanely diverse professional background (and Olympic athlete background)
3) A unique hobby-sport he picked up after college called “Underwater Hockey”

Contact Stephen:

Follow the Liberland Show:
Google Podcasts:…

*Our show is hosted by Adam J. Carswell.

Otevřený dopis Čechům a Liberlanďanům,

jsem stejně jako vy také občanem České republiky a její budoucnost mi není lhostejná. Čtyři roky jsem vzdáleně pozoroval politické dění v ČR a celkovýByrokrat nominovaný na příštího šéfa EU: Sjednocení Evropy s Afrikou ‚je věcí, k níž jsme předurčeni‘Francie se poohlíží po krácení daní, aby utišila protesty Žlutých vestMeghan Markle plánuje dítě vychovávat k ‚fluidnímu přístupu k pohlavnosti‘, odhaluje Vanity Fair

jsem stejně jako vy také občanem České republiky a její budoucnost mi není lhostejná. Čtyři roky jsem vzdáleně pozoroval politické dění v ČR a celkový pokračující úpadek politické kultury. Myslím, že je jenom málo států na světě, kde trestně stíhaný premiér místo rezignace jmenuje novou ministryni spravedlnosti. Úpadek svobody a demokracie je ale globální trend. Tento vývoj mě utvrzuje ve správnosti rozhodnutí založit nový stát na úplně nových principech. Připravujeme stát, který bude fungovat nejen na dobrovolných daních, ale také na tom, že daňoví poplatnici se sami stanou akcionáři států. Mám za to, že právě to je hlavní důvod vzniku Liberlandu – představit zcela novou koncepci státního uspořádání. Navíc celý stát bude fungovat na zcela nových decentralizovaných technologiích, které uvedl v život vznik Bitcoinu.

Když mi Svobodní nabídli kandidaturu jako lídra do eurovoleb, vzal jsem to jako způsob, jak znovu dostat myšlenky, na kterých je založen Liberland, do české společenské debaty. Doufám, že jste si našich aktivit všimli a viděli jste například náš volební klip, reportáž na TV Nova, můj rozhovor na ČT24 nebo DVTV.

Spočítal jsem si, kolik nás členství EU skutečně stálo. Navštívil jsem také sídlo EFTA – Evropského společenství volného obchodu, abych ho představil jako alternativu EU. Udělal jsem rozhovor s podnikatelem, jemuž evropské dotace zlikvidovaly podnikání. Připravil jsem animované video o tom, jak ve skutečnosti funguje demokracie v EU a (ne)hlasování v Evropské komisi.

O občanství Liberlandu projevilo zájem již téměř 600 tisíc lidí, jenom v ČR je nás 17 tisíc. To je celkem velký národ. Pro to, abychom vytvořili funkční stát, je však potřeba dvou věcí. Za prvé vytvořit provotřídní systém vlády. A za druhé aktivovat žadatele o občanství, aby samotný vznik státu, ať už placením daní nebo jakoukoliv jinou tvůrčí činností, stát podpořili.

Váš hlas ve volbách číslu 25, koalici Svobodní, Liberland a Radostné Česko, může pomoci významně posílit svobodný hlas v Evropě. Šance k úspěchu je relativně velká, poslední průzkum podle agentury Median nám dává volební potenciál 8 procent.

Předem děkuji, že v těchto volbách zvážíte svou podporu.

S úctou,

Vít Jedlička

What the F*ck!

Today I had a busy day at the office…nothing new thought since working on technological projects projects has always crazy overloading days difficult to forecast in advance.

Actually, I used to work mostly of the time under unpredicted scenarios and that, as I said, it is not a surprising new…

The new is that I have been checking my feed at steemit and partiko whenever I could, I mean, as usual, at the coffee break, at lunch, on my way to different places etc… and today I noticed something that did not happen to me since long time ago…

My Voting Power reached 100%… actually, and sorry if I missed something interesting posted by the people I follow, I have not found any article that attracted me minimally to give my upvote and that is really weird! I am a consistent upvoter, or at least that’s how I consider I am myself…but I like to upvote some good stuff as well which, honestly I miss nowadays…

I don’t know what is happening here but I really think that not only the quality of the posts are decreasing but also the amount of posts is also doing so… even if it seems we are escaping from the BEAR’s claws, it looks like people are not so motivated to write about interesting things or even normal life topics or projects…

Very difficult to find usual steemians writing these days, even more difficult to find new ones…

…or perhaps it is only my subjective perception…. I don’t know…

Hope the good times will come back…
