What Is CPR and Why Should I Learn It at Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE)?
Cardiac arrest refers to the condition when the heartbeat of an individual stops suddenly. Whenever the condition takes place, the heart fails to pump blood to other parts of the body, including the lungs and brain. Death may cause within only a few minutes without timely treatment. On the other hand, CPR within only a few minutes may prevent death and organ damage.
What do you expect in CPR?
The treatment related to CPR Classes at Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) involves using chest compressions to mimic the pumping of the heart. Such compressions make sure that the blood will continue to flow in your body.
Detailed Study on Steps to Perform CPR
If incidents related to cardiac arrest take place in individuals present near you, just stay prepared. You only should follow a few easy steps to deal with individuals with cardiac arrest. The steps include the following-
PALM DESERT – Main Office
73700 Dinah Shore Drive, Suite 107,
Palm Desert, CA 92211
1-760-832-iCPR (4277)
Call 9-1-1 Immediately

If you have a second bystander near you, save time by asking him or her to call 9-1-1 immediately. Meanwhile, you should arrange an automated external defibrillator before starting CPR. AEDs refer to a few portable devices, which may shock the heart electrically to let it resumes the heartbeat again.
Impart CPR
Push down fast and hard in the chest center at the rate of 100 to 120 pushes in one minute. Allow the chest to return to its regular position after every push. In most cases, candidates learning CPR Classes in Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) maintain the push timings according to the beats of the Stay in Alive song. Experts refer to this method as hands-only CPR. Hence, the method excludes breathing in the mouth of a person.
Note-Bystanders should continue to give CPR until the arrival of medical professionals.
Common Reasons to Study CPR

Training in CPR Saves Life
The latest data related to cardiac arrest revealed that 9 out of 10 cardiac arrest patients die outside of the hospital. However, timely CPR may improve such odds. According to the experts imparting CPR in Loma Linda, if certified persons perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation within only the first few minutes of sudden cardiac arrest, patients’ survival chances will become double or triple.
Individuals who have CPR Certification in Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) will identify whether the patient has a cardiac arrest or not based on two major conditions, which include the following-
If the patients remain unresponsive even when other nearby people shout at or shake them
When the patient does not breathe or only gasps
Once CPR Certified professionals identify any individual in cardiac arrest, they call 911 immediately and start applying CPR. The experts continue doing CPR until the arrival of medical professionals.
Cardiac Arrest Often Occurs at Home
Approximately 350,000 cardiac arrests take place outside of clinics and hospitals every year. Besides, 7 from 10 cases take place at home. However, only half of the total people with cardiac arrests at the office or at home do not get any help from bystanders before the arrival of an ambulance.
People Need Only Basic Training
People do not require any special training to get CPR Certification in Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE). Instead, you should get a basic education.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation also known as CPR Certification in Palm Desert Resuscitation Education (PDRE) allows candidates to handle patients with sudden cardiac arrest. It involves an emergency procedure to save the life of people when their heartbeat or breathing stops.
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