Arsenal Is Back on their Feet

Hello everyone, Good day. Yesterday was a day for football matches. Arsenal was able to redeem themselves fast from the defeat they had in the first half of the game. Tottenham scored them 2-0 down. Harry Kane scored the second goal which was a penalty. At the end of the Match the come back worked well for the Arsenal team as they came back from the back to score 2 goals making 2-2. And sharing the points with tottenham. Actually I taught they have lost the match since they are down by 2 goals. This season epl is really tough because if the team is down by any number of goals they can come back and equalize making it a draw for both teams and if you dont take care they will even win the match. Thank you for your time have a great week.

About the author: Desmond Duodu
I am a crypto enthusiast guy. I also love to help friends and see them make it in life.

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