It was an interesting match for Chelsea football club as they won their opponent by seven goals to nil in the Carabao cup played yesterday at Stamford bridge. That is the greatest win Chelsea have recorded so far under the management of the former midfielder, Frank Lampard.
However, I still see no reason why they had to concede a goal. Their defense still need to be worked on. They should be able to play a clean sheet against a team like Grimsby. I believe Frank Lampard will sure do something about this defence issue that Chelsea team has been battling with right from preseason. Thanks for coming around. Till next time that I will be coming your way.
[Image Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/chelsea-vs-grimsby-town-result-catabao-cup-2019-frank-lampard-first-stamford-bridge-win-a4246706.html%3famp)
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