buying again this bargain!!!
353 STEEM for only 50 Euros?
Now waiting to get them on my Steem account and put them all “to work” for me 🙂

I remember I bought a very similar quantity of STEEM 1 year ago… at that time I spent 5 times more Euros, around 250 Euros if I am not mistaken… Then I thought it was really a good moment for buying STEEM after a long correction…Obviously I was wrong and the market kept falling down even deeper…
But I did not care at all since that “derisive” amount of bought STEEM finally helped me in order to grow up my account, since I invested it in different projects and opportunities… The compounding effect multiplied the Steem Power rapidly…
Now I am buying again more or less in a regular basis, in small quantities taking advantage of the sudden lows that come and go while BITCOIN defines the destiny of the whole market. Last time was 2 weeks ago… again 50 Euros sent to BITVAVO directly from my Bank account, getting 303 STEEM and paying a fee of 0.13 Euros. Today I did the very same action getting 50 STEEM more in comparison…
Personally, I cannot see better moment to buy STEEM than nowadays but I prefer to do it in small quantities and enjoy from “Bargains” further more…
Slowly but surely, growing towards the 10000 SP…
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