I should be packing my bags, getting ready for a company retreat to France. I am nursing sinus pain instead.
Every year the company I work for has a get together where all of the employees go to a city and get to work together / hang out together. This is a good thing as many of the people work remotely and thus we have very little interaction with one another other than via video chats.
You can build a much stronger bond in person, additionally it is much easier to understand someone else’s pain points when you can communicate without boundaries.
This would have been my first retreat so I am a bit bummed at not being able to make it and meet many of the people whom I have dealt with in a strictly virtual manner.
The whole of last week I skipped writing any posts, so I am pretty bummed out in general.
I always try put at least one photo in my posts, more often than not a photo I have taken, so today you get a snail. It had rained and I saw this guy slipping along, with everything being wet I thought it had a nice contrast. Photo was taken with my phone, but came out alright I think.
I am DIYing to get back to some DIY so I have more interesting (to me) content to post. I am on the mend but not healthy enough yet to do any physical work 🙁
Hopefully I can come up with something less whiny to post tomorrow.
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