Steem price action is horrendous to look at. Alts go up, Steem stays in place. Alts go down, Steem goes down like the worst of them.
So i thought… Whats really the point of moving my STEEM and trading it for something else when its not really worth it. Its completely and utterly undervalued and i have no idea what token out there comes close to how undervalued STEEM is. What am i going to trade it for?
Bitcoin? Ethereum? EOS? ETC, LISK or VERGE (haha i just peed a little)
Hell no! I might as well send it to @null. Buying anything else with Steem right now feels like a complete waste…
When i powered down a few k Steem weeks ago it was due to the hardfork which i disagree with but the more that i look at the situation right now it seems that it doesnt matter if its a hardfork, softfork, spoon or a spork.

So ill just press the button.
What was that one song…. I got it……Celebrate good times, come on!!!!
Its a dolphin party up in here! Everyones invited.
PS: There will be a separate area for bot owners behind the outhouse.

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