A little cooler in the market this week. Low-ball BTC entry points have been rewarded but a test of 10k and lower does seem likely. This week focuses on Alts as they generally continue to bleed-out against Bitcoin. Personally, I would advise patience – the time to trade out of Alts was 2 months ago.
In addition, this week I’d like to draw your attention to the Twitter section. There’s a lot of value to be extracted from curated Tweets -the constraints imposed by the medium (character limit) occassionally result in very elegantly constructed discussion pieces. The included Tweets range from a few words of witty observation to articles in a Tweet-storm format.
Picks of the Week
An article in a Tweet – well 22 of them discussing the current state of the Alt coin market and what may accrue value going forward. An insiders take on Libra also makes for an excellent investment of time.
Time to stop waiting on Alt season? – An article in a Tweet (highly recommended):
Tips on short-term trading BTC (recommended):
Bitfnex shorts explained – technical (recommended):
Advice on BTC – short and in my opinion – correct:
BTC/ALT divergence:
Tether is doing something interesting:
Freedom to encrypt is most certainly not a given anymore:
The saga of Craig Wright continues (summary of the latest of one of his many court appearances):
A bullish dispute for crypto (perhaps very bullish indeed)?
Touring the institutional landscape of crypto:
BTC as a global currency – breaking the mould:
Dan Larimer’s latest on decentralized governance (recommended):
An interesting (possible) ‘bullish’ indicator from Chinese state media:
The Internet of Things (IOT) examined:
IOT and decentralization require each other:
Examining Ethereum as a potential investment:
The case for Libra from an insider (don’t let current regulatory headwinds distract you -Libra will likely launch at some point):

An original thinker with a long history of making good calls – well worth being aware of (recommended):

The Lightning Network very clearly explained (recommended):

The market is ever contrary (highly recommended):

A sensible take on what to do with your Alts as they currently fail to track BTC (recommended):

Just in case you hold the belief that interest in Ethereum is dying:

Website / Utility
An easy and engaging way to work out returns on holding BTC (recommended):

Well, I hope you found some material of interest and/or value during this week’s trip through the crypto rabbit hole. As always, looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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