Tight, tight, tight on the Bitcoin chart (even with yesterday’s drop) -shouldn’t be long before a significant resolution one way or the other. As to the Alts – they’ve been savaged with no sign of recovery on the horizon.
Global markets are looking very shaky with gold, silver, and Bitcoin the beneficiaries. The dollar seems set to run up against most currencies particularly those of developing nations. China essentially devalued the Yuan this week – letting the sub 7 Yuan peg against the dollar finally break. This week once again highlights some of the red-lights flashing throughout the global economy. Could the party go on – could lower interest rates and further money printing – first rescue – then pump global markets -absolutely they could but I’m not betting on it.
Picks of the Week
A chart-storm highlighting the looming dollar run-up against its competitors is fascinating. In a similar vein, the interview with Raoul Pal examining systemic global market risk factors is compelling.
The perspective of a hardcore hodler:
PoW is about physics, not code:
Blockchain use case 101:
A currency crisis in the making – here and now outlined using a host of current charts (highly recommended):
Reflections on the Asian tech scene/dynamics:
Crypto books to delve into the rabbit hole:
Ever wondered what a Decentralized Autonomous Organizations DAO is? – well, I’ve got you covered:
A simple explanation of blockchain – handy to have on hand for the newly curious:
Wide-ranging and balanced tour of EOS and its ecosystem:
Kik filed a reply to the SEC complaint against them – and Katherine Wu took he time to annotate the entire document (recommended for those of a legal persuasion):
A fascinating list of ‘Laws’ that seem to apply to many different fields of endeavour (recommended):
A jargon-free explanation of crypto decentralization and the challenges of attaining it.

A wide-ranging discussion of current global macro risks and BTC (highly recommended):

Unpacking the implications of the recent FED rate cut for BTC – with some useful back history (recommended):

A brief discussion of the Dunning Kruger Effect well worth being aware of as a budding crypto trader/investor/enthusiast:
Coming to a democracy near you – are restrictions on cash transaction paving the way for steep negative interest rates?
There’s a lot of smoke around the state of the Chinese economy – the sky isn’t falling but this is perhaps part of the appeal of crypto for Chinese investors? (recommended):
Website / Utility
Starting Sept 9th – a free university-level course on blockchain – 11 units – live sessions – many by Anton Antonopoulos (Note: you have to supply your contact details -including phone number):

Course outline:

That one flew by. Learned a lot – worried a little -such is crypto. As always looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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