A less tumultuous week in crypto. The charts remain firmly bearish but unless you are a day trader that should be of little concern. Significant developments for EOS with the SEC issuing a $24 million dollar fine but seemingly clearing the way for EOS to continue unimpeded development in the US (see below). Bakkt continues to underwhelm with pitiful contract numbers. Libra lost yet more steam (likely shedding Paypal) and once again highlighted the superiority of decentralized blockchains. Global markets look very soft – BTC’s claim to ‘hedge status’ looks set to be tested sooner rather than later.
Picks of the Week
These Twitter threads by Marco Santori and Jake Chervinsky which delve into the recent SEC ruling on EOS are very insightful.
Flight of (BTC) fancy?:
Long/short BTC – who really made better returns?:
Bitcoin Twitter mentions fall to a new low (a problem, an opportunity, or just a change in tagging?):
Cryptos ranked by code activity over a 12 month period (note focusing on this metric alone can be misleading):
Digesting SEC settlement with EOS (highly recommended):
More on SEC settlement with EOS and Sia (highly recommended):
Time to reward all EOS voters?:
BTC is unstable – let’s dig-into that assumption (recommended):
On trust, BTC, and the way ahead (recommended):
How to achieve consensus – a tale of Ethereum devs:
Basic overview of some of the pros and con of DEXs:
A developer takes us through their experience of using EOS to code a game (highly recommended):
An argument against vote rewards for DPoS (recommended):
A model of the benefits of rationality (non-crypto specific but certainly of use to an investor/trader):
Exploring whether rate cuts matter for Bitcoin:

Assessing the downside for BTC (good analysis if you ignore the self-congratulatory intro):
Some folks have seen this steep drop as an opportunity:
Colin Talks Crypto – does just that:
Coding tips from an expert:
In general, BTC takes longer to reach each new all-time high – we are only 300 days into this cycle:

Worth your while to be aware of the (significant) variations in exchange fees:

Website / Utility
A simple tool to track current rates of segwit adoption (note recent uptick to over 60%):

As usual another fascinating week in crypto. Until next we meet down the crypto rabbit hole!
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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