Probably not a week that saw your portfolio increase in value. Bearish short-term outlook seems confirmed but the reasons to hold crypto remain as strong as ever. Having said that should the markets in general drop steeply (in the short to medium term) crypto will follow – better to be aware of this ‘reality’ and plan accordingly. It bears repeating – this is a long-term play – the cryptos that survive and eventually thrive will bring great reward to ‘early’ investors but this is over a multi-year horizon (closer to 2030 than 2020). If it’s life-changing wealth you pursue – only a realistic time frame will get you there.
Picks of the Week
Twitter this week was a literal treasure trove of crypto themes, narratives, analysis and discussions. Just a few examples being – Bitcoin as a religious journey, a critique of the stock to flow model, Altcoins as Oscillators or Degenerators, and a brief analysis of BTC where price equals difficulty.
In addition, this by Crypto Daily is essential viewing for those looking to understand the current ‘context’ of the cryptosphere.
Nic Carter predicts looming regulatory clampdown – I tend to agree:
How to stifle BTC:
A brief rebuttal of the stock to flow model:
On Altcoins as ‘Oscillators or Degenerators’ (highly recommended):
BTC price = difficulty?:
Bitcoin as akin to a religious experience (highly recommended):
On Binance and its current market advantage relative to newcomers:
1971 was a sea-change year:
On crypto conferences:
A comparative analysis of exchange token valuations (highly recommended):
Refuting the theory that 2017’s price bubble was caused by a single player:
The ever-interesting Bit Brain on the onlook for Altcoins:
Ray Dalio on why the present financial system has lost its way (highly recommended):
The origin of money by Nick Szabo (highly recommended):
A return to the stock to flow model of PlanB – even if are skeptical of the model there’s a wealth of pertinent material here(highly recommended):

Undoubtedly Crypto Daily’s finest work to date -despite the light-hearted delivery this is a must-watch for folks with a long-term interest in crypto (highly recommended):
Discussing BTC’s supply/fee model (recommended):
A BTC prediction for 2020:
Colin continues his stellar work on EOS governance reform:
The Crypto Lark discusses Ray Dalio’s assessment of the current state of the financial system:
Folks are still buying BTC:
CME institutional futures have turned markedly bullish:
Website / Utility
Weeks of high-quality content here for the crypto enthusiast who wishes to look under the hood (highly recommended):

While price may have disappointed – the space as an environment I which to learn certainly did not! As always, looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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