EOS v1.8 has been Launched


We have all been waiting for this moment and here it comes eos v1.8. But there has been another moment that we have also been waiting for thus the Voice platform. It was annouced that when they launch the eos v1.8 that will be the time voice.com will be launched and I have been waiting patiently to hear a good news that the voice platform has been launched. But I still havent heard any news on that. But I hope the Voice platform is on it way coming and it will be up in no time probably before the week ends we will know what is going on with Voice. Now that the v1.8 of Eos has been launched are we supposed to expect some rise in the crypto or anything concerning eos? This is a question to the eos champs. I want to know the next step for eos so that If I will advice someone to invest in it I will know how to go about it. Steem on the other had is doing well in the promotion of steem because I have seen more tweet about steem on twitter and I am very happy to say that steem will get back to it normal price and even move up high that it was in 2018. We should all hope for better for steem. The Number 1 decentralized community. Much Love for Steemit.com..

About the author: Desmond Duodu
I am a crypto enthusiast guy. I also love to help friends and see them make it in life.

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@peepso_user_24(Quod Scripsio)
Hello Desmond,
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5 years ago
@peepso_user_83(Desmond Duodu)
Alright Sir