Been busy all day failing to catch up on my daily Whaleshares, Steemit replies. Didnt write my daily post which im doing right now. (The topic is apparently nothing lol) Need to do the daily Steem Monsters dailies and click things on Drug Wars to take more STEEM from crazy rich guys that threw hundreds if not thousands of STEEM at the game without thinking it through.
Just wanted to tell those folks:
Thank you for giving the rest of us free money.

hahaha. Enough already with the roasts and the told you so. lol
Im sure to piss some whale off eventually. haha
What else… Uhm..
Theres a steemian some of you folks know that might be coming back to Steem soon. Not sure when but i think once the weather gets better it might happen. Those are the immediate news.
Ill be busy the next few days so im not sure if ill be able to catch everything that is happening. Trying to complete a state exam so i can finally open my travel agency. Its actually 4 exams and i had one today already. Should pass it pretty easily..
Thats about it. Not much else to write about. I need to find another cause to support and another villain to yell at..
Need another target. Im starting to be repetitive. lol.
Ill see you around. 😉
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