Following an interesting post of @whatsup today on which she asked about LISK blockchain and why it is so interesting since, apparently, it does not have what it seems to be a disruptive technology…
In the comments section of that post, there is one on which I fully agree 100%…
@jwolf states that, only at twitter, LISK has something like 183000 Followers… besides the technical aspects, not bad at all for a crypto located at the 39th position of the TotalMarketCap…
But, what about other cryptos… let’s say, what about Cryptos focused on DApps development, purely competitors of STEEM?
For instance, TRON is a relative “young” crypto project, younger than STEEM…but located at the 11th position of the TMC already, and I would say that this position is very solid…not like STEEM which has been losing positions month after month…
Besides EOS, I don’t think there is a better blockchain than STEEM in order to develop DApps and that’s why at the “State of the DApps website” the supremacy of STEEM is evident…
But man, STEEM keeps being invisible for the audience…
Do you know how many followers we have on twitter?


106000 followers of the Steemit account…
Do you know how many there are at TRON?

Are we invisible for the audience? I’m afraid it is so…
If we want this Blockchain to success we should focus on improving this aspect more than any other…
Still so much work to do guys…I hope we can focus on marketing as soon as Steem Inc will deploy the expected Economical Changes by hardforking the blockchain…or, why not starting NOW?