A ridiculous number of high-quality articles have crossed my path this week. I’ve included just a few. The opportunity to be challenged and engaged while exploring the mad, bad and sometimes sad world of crypto is not to be underestimated, it is truly a learner’s paradise – just keep that open mind and delve on!
Pick of the Week
If you explore only one thing – let it be Nic Carter’ treatise on BTC as a vehicle of peaceful revolution.
World currencies in a race to devalue means…:
How ‘to Bitcoin’:
Where to start your crypto journey (highly recommended):
Adding some context to Van Eck’s moves of offer a BTC product:
Look, see, understand:
There’s a pattern here:
A contrarian perspective on trading but a considered one:
On passion (not that kind):
A quick primer on global gold reserves:
Nic Carter explaining the Bitcoin revolution (highly recommended):
A perspective on the long-term growth cycle of BTC:
An in-depth analysis of recent BTC price action and likely trade scenarios (highly recommended):
High-value post on investing in the crypto space (highly recommended):
Token supply approaches examined (highly recommended)
A collection of proposals/ideas on how to approach ‘fixing’ EOS governance (highly recommended):
Even some bankers decry current monetary policy:
Another informative discussion of BTC past, present, and future with a heavy hitter in the Bitcoin space (recommended):

Examining the question of individual BTC address safety:
Straightforward explanation of how Bitcoin functions with a simple primer on fiat:
What’s up with NEO – lots to dig into here in this interview with NEO’s head of global development (recommended – if only as an update):
EOS clearly has some governance issues (recommended):
This short-term call on gold is well worth considering (though has the ECB reset sentiment and boosted gold?):
If only there was a pattern here…

Interesting comparison of Bitcoin Cash v Lightning Network over the last year:

Website / Utility
One of the first websites to bring together BTC resources. Very sparse landing page but a deep reservoir of material here spanning BTC’s entire operational life (highly recommended):

This real-time representation of Bitcoin Cash v Bitcoin is supposed to show the transaction superiority of Bitcoin Cash but perhaps shows something else – you decide (BTC is the bottom lane).

A whale of a week in terms of learning opportunities. As always, looking forward to reading your comments and suggestions.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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