Brexit chaos, a US president facing impeachment, a squeeze on repo markets, and a dive in crypto valuations, interesting times indeed! While all this is certainly fascinating – try to keep your eye on the ball. If you’re a trader these are great conditions. If a Bitcoin investor – give it a few quarters before you come to any conclusions.
Picks of the Week
This highly reasoned breakdown of why Hedera Hashgraph’s price isn’t likely to recover anytime soon. Another highlight is this Forbes article on the current state of the US repo market.
Factors that help Bitcoin develop:
BTC’s virtuous design cycle:
How Twitter deals with a crypto price tumble:
BTC still up around 150% this year…:
DAI-collateralized debt contracts and recent ETH volatility (to the downside):
An excellent breakdown of why Hedera Hashgraph is tanking and looks set to continue to do so (highly recommended):
A proposal to scale BTC on EOS (role of BP’s seems like a logical problem trust-related though):
A useful roundup of monetary conditions that may be supportive of BTC going forward:
A brief tour of retailers who currently accept crypto:
Scatter’s recent survey of EOS users throws up some interesting data:
Because sometimes you’ve just got to know what a block-lattice is:
Bit Brain states his (economic) case:
Unpacking current repo market squeeze and why it matters (highly recommended):
Is Stellar getting a return on investment from its airdrops?:
A lot of zombie alt projects remain in the market:
Bringing BTC to a wider audience (wanders a bit but nonetheless lots to dig-into here):

A balanced take on Bakkt now that it is live in the wild:
The always interesting/compelling Anton Antonopoulos on Banks as tools of surveillance (highly recommended):
A pessimistic assessment of the sustainability of the current financial system:
Time to bone up on Repo Markets – dates to 2009 but the information remains current:
A case study in economic stagnation (of particular note – interest rate policy) Well worth reading the comments for more context such as Japan’s debt being mostly internal and therefore less subject to default:
Just for a dash of context – the Forex market comes in at over $6 trillion daily:
Website / Utility
Useful website for tracking mining returns on a range of PoW cryptos:

While price action this week certainly hasn’t been stellar for crypto investors, the space continues to expand. Try to enjoy the ride, keep your emotions in check, and learn as much as possible along the way.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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