Overall, the charts look set in their bearish ways. A Christmas rally seems increasingly unlikely. Thankfully, there are plenty of other areas worth focusing on from central banks announcing plans to roll out their own versions of crypto to China’s daily expansion into blockchain. This week’s recap focuses, in particular, on the Chinese Communist Parties ‘plans’ for the cryptosphere.
Picks of the Week
This report on the current state of play of blockchain in China. This podcast wrapping up a 5 part series on the same topic and this article examining the CCP’s ’embrace of blockchain’ but evident antipathy towards Bitcoin.
This BTC thing will never catch-on:
A perspective on why BTC price lags apparent interest:
BTC halving likely to lead to a price rise?:
Over a thousand companies in Hainan province alone are in
some way engaged with blockchain:
On EOS achievements to date:
China’s embrace of blockchain is neither benign or destined to succeed:
Peer to peer cash – why its hard to achieve ad why it matters (highly recommended):
Gold and yields showing remarkable divergence:
BTC is not failing:
Is BTC really deflationary?:
China ‘loves’ blockchain but ‘dislikes’ BTC – so why is that? (recommended):
BTC halving impact will have minimal market effect:
Is BTC in its ‘chasm phase’? (highly recommended):
The complex reality of Altcoin tokenomics (recommended):
A report on one of the first EOS blockchain games (recommended):
Excellent overview of the current state of the blockchain industry in China (leads to a link to download the report – highly recommended):
HEX is a clever scam but a scam nonetheless:
Deciphering China’s role in blockchain – Part 5 of 5 (highly recommended):

A good overview of possible trends for crypto 2020:
BTC’s ROI is decreasing each cycle but still impressive:
Anton Antonopoulos on EOS (highly recommended):
REX is back up and running + a little context on DAPP costs (recommended):
Colin shares his views on a wide range of crypto topics:
Whose buying BTC (on Localbitcoins):

A useful visual guide to the main forks BTC soft/hard over the years:

It’s been a heck of a run for equities:

Website / Utility
Useful website for researching DeFi projects:

Lots to take-in. As always looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Note on Sources:
Twitter & Reddit (cryptos current meta-brains) / Medium / Trybe / Hackernoon / Whaleshares / TIMM and so on/ YouTube / various podcasts and whatever else I stumble upon. The aim is a useful weekly aggregator of ideas rather than news. Though I try to keep the sources current – I’ll reference these articles and podcasts etc. as I encounter them – they may have been published just a couple of days ago or in some cases quite a bit earlier.
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