Before i start this post i have to say that im fully aware that STEEM has its problems. Most of them stem from the fact that people are selfish, greedy and self-absorbed.
I for one do not subscribe to the vapid ramblings of people that say:
People are acting selfishly because the incentives are broken!
The incentives could indeed be broken, but the reason people are acting shitty is because they are shitty people. There is no capitalism god come from heaven that can justify selfish, vindictive, self-absorbed, greedy behavior.
And of course that kind of behavior hurts the distribution which leads to STEEM suffering, the community suffering and the price suffering.
That is all well and fine…..
But lets put that behind us for one second. Thats our crap to deal with. Our dirty laundry.
Just because STEEM isnt perfect doesnt mean that it isnt a great place to be. I know that, you know that, but people out there dont know any of it…
Because we focus our attention inwards. We focus on our own petty little shit. We dont reach out..
I mean sure.. We can have our fun. Laugh at the morons flagging and spamming each other, repeating the same discussions over and over again, we can share a drama token or two, talk about how we should all get along…
All of that is lovely and great…
But while that is happening Justin Sun is on Twitter talking trash about Vitalik, saying how he will build him a monument once TRON surpasses ETH and getting millions of followers doing so.
Spamming Twitter with bullshit stats containing TRON gambling game transaction spam and claiming “mass adoption”. You have privacy tokens at each others throats over which privacy token should be the next big thing (spoiler: none of them), You have BTC-BCH debates going on…. EOS hype plastered where ever you look….
And what are we doing? We are being mellow, shy, hugsy… We have been slapped around and disrespected so much that we forgot how to dish it out ourselves. When was the last time anyone wrote about STEEM in any publication?
Ill tell you… The time those hackers got banned from STEEMIT. Thats when you heard about this blockchain. When the opportunity came about to shit on STEEM. From the bastard Tone Vays to the spokeperson for Everpedia/EOS and crypto publications all shitting on STEEM, at this point im starting to feel like we are like the battered wife of blockchain that keeps quiet not to get hit again.
Nah, its time to nut the fuck up, or shut the fuck up.
Time to flip off the Dogecoin Darks, the Ethereum Classics, the Bitcoin Diamonds, the Lisks, the Bitcoin golds of the crypto sphere.
The only way to attract investors and users here during a bear market is by contrasting STEEM to what is out there!
By showing what we do better then all other projects..
Go flood Twitter FFS… Thats the least you can do. Reddit doesnt allow for that much of freedom.
Ill see you around..That was fun to write haha.