When Children Cry

There is something about the cry of a child that adults immediately react to

It’s instinctual.

No matter how civilised we like to think we are, humans are essentially still just cave people, albeit cave people with fancy clothing, table manners (some of us) and cellphones.

Our basic biological imperatives remain the same: take what is mine and I’ll hit you; seek physical and emotional security; kill that which threatens you – nothing changes. The cry of a child puts adults on edge, millennia of evolution have conditioned us to rush to the defence of a threatened child, it’s how we have survived. Men out there will be able to relate: the scream of a women in distress has the same spine-chilling effect that immediately mobilises you into action.

Our caveman inner-self is only ever a veneer of civilisation away, and all it takes to bring our animalistic proto-self to the fore is some pressure.

But this isn’t a post about biology, psychology and the evolution of humanity – it’s a post that’s making a point: that we are conditioned to react to a child in distress.

There is something about the cry of a child that adults immediately react to…
…and there are those who would abuse that

So when little Greta Thunberg stands in front of the world and berates world leaders on the topic of climate change – ask yourself “What is really happening?”


This is not another pro-Greta/anti-Greta post, there are already FAR too many of those! Read on…

Back in 1990

Prior to the Gulf War, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl stood up and testified in front of the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus. Her name was Nayirah, and what she said came to be known as the “Nayirah Tesitmony”. You can watch it below if you like, but I’ll tell you the important parts.

Nayirah spoke of her time in Kuwait and what she had seen there. She spoke of her sister and her infant nephew and the harsh conditions they faced. She spoke of helping in a hospital, and then she ripped at the heartstrings of the world:

The child cried:

Nayirah testified as to what she had seen in the hospital: Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators and leaving them to die on the ground.


She went on to speak about torture, anti-American sentiment and ended with a hint that Kuwait could be rebuilt.

Nariyah’s testimony went global. Remember, this was pre-global internet, we still relied on the mass media for information (as many still do today). Medialink sent footage of the testimony to over 700 US TV stations, including ABC and NBC. Her story reached tens of millions of Americans that night.

It was everything that Bush needed. Armed with collaborative information from the UK based Amnesty International, it provided the justification to push ahead with a large military response.

The child lied:

There was just one problem with what Nariyah said: it wasn’t true.

Nariyah’s testimony was prepared by PR company Hill & Knowlton who allegedly “provided witnesses, wrote testimony, and coached the witnesses for effectiveness.” [1]

Amnesty International later retracted their support, the Human Rights Watch denied that any babies had ever been removed from incubators, and while it was acknowledged that some babies in hospitals had died, it emerged that this was due to medical staff fleeing the area and leaving them behind – not nearly as effective a propaganda tool as stories of babies being taken from incubators by Iraqi soldiers.

Worst of all, Nariyah, the poor Kuwaiti girl who had so far only ever been identified by her first name, was found to be Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ, the daughter of Saud Al-Sabah, the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States.

The adults had played the child, so that the child could play the adults.

Both were successful.

Enter Stage Left: Greta Thunberg

How many of you were asked to address the UN at age 16? 

I wasn’t. Bit Brain is Bit Brain, I was just as smart at 16 as what I am now; less experienced, but no less intelligent. Nobody ever asked me to address them – ever. But hey, let’s play fair, I wasn’t exactly asking for attention either. But others were…

I had other kids in my class, more outgoing than I was, more environmentally concerned, more experienced in public speaking. They DID ask! For example: one girl started an environmental club from scratch, she was a particularly industrious individual, charismatic and with no lack of brain power of her own. She did her best and her club had minor successes, but not in her wildest dreams would she ever have considered addressing the UN – such things simply don’t happen to 16-year-olds.

…unless somebody powerful makes it happen.

*POOF* in a puff of smoke Greta Thunberg appears before the world. The child cries, and adults react.

And react.

And react some more.

Some stop and ask “why?”, “how?” – an attempt at seeing the truth, but an anticipated attempt – and one which plays into the hands of the manipulators.

And suddenly social media is awash with Greta stories and the whole world hops on an eco-conscious high horse. Climate change moves to the fore and people literally take to the streets in support of Greta. On the flip-side of the coin, staunch capitalists reject what Great has to say, grabbing the testimony of anti-climate change scientists and pointing out all the other evils of the world where money could be better spent (committing a variety of logical fallacy transgressions as they do so).

The debate RAGES!

The environmentalists know they are right. They know that global warming is real. They know about pollution, CO2, the loss of rain-forests and the extinction of animals. They know we can’t eat money and that the world is growing more and more toxic by the day – as is plain for anyone with half a brain cell to see if they look at the difference between now and 200 years ago.

The anti-environmentalists know they are right.  They know that Greta is somebody’s pawn. They know that 16-year-olds don’t address the UN unless somebody has something to gain. They know that CO2 helps plants grow and that for people to survive they need money, and to make money you need to develop your economy.

Both groups are right.

Wait, let me rephrase that…

Both groups are WRONG!

The effect of Greta’s argument has been this: it’s polarised society. People are either strongly for her or strongly against her, the middle ground is practically non-existent. I know, I’m standing on that middle ground, and it’s a very small and very lonely patch of Earth!

It’s human nature

Back to our caveman selves: the human brain grabs what it likes and rejects that which it doesn’t. So while either of the two groups may start out right, they soon lose the plot and grab onto anything which seems to foster their own argument, rejecting that which does not. If I see another person deny that CO2 levels have risen remarkably since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, then I fear that I may have to beat them over the head with their own arm – freshly ripped from their body by an angry Bit Brain. If I see one more fool confuse natural climate cycles with sudden man-made global warming, then I am going to force the aforementioned arm down their throats. The same applies to the Greta supporters who don’t even bother to ask themselves the uncomfortable question: “How the hell did an unknown kid grab the kind of international attention that not even celebrities or presidents can usually attain?”

Whether you are for Greta or against her, here is the truth, here is what I observe from the middle ground:


Do you know what a distraction is? You should, because by engaging in this “debate”, you are part of one.

Greta, and the whole debate around her, is a smokescreen. She is there to bring climate change to the fore, she is there to make people angry, she is there to raise emotions and to create a little chaos. And you’re all playing your assigned parts beautifully!

Right or wrong?

I don’t wish to go into the climate debate now, any more than what I wish to go into the invasion of Iraq. Let me say this: climate change IS real, but don’t for a moment think that those “leaders” who oppose it are doing so for any reason other than for personal gain.

Same story as in Iraq: there was good reason to stop Hussein, the tens of thousands of murdered Kurds lying in mass graves being just one. But the real reason the US went in there was because of oil. Had Kuwait been know for its production of apples instead of oil, it’s doubtful that the US would have reacted as it did. In order to get the public in the required anti-Iraqi frame of mind, Nariyah was used, and non-existent WMDs (remember those?), and a non-existent Iraqi “Super-Gun” (remember that?) etc. It’s all a matter of propaganda. (See the links at the end of the article.)

There is merit to the arguments of both sides, but to get lost in those arguments is to miss the point.

Here is what is happening behind the scenes:

Forget the arguments. You WISH there was a simple right/wrong answer to something like climate change! The fact is that it’s an interrelated web of economics/population growth/politics/wealth distribution/technology/ecology and you can’t simply create a one-solution-fits-all-scenarios solution to it! Such a solution can not exist! 

Somebody has to win, and somebody has to lose.

…which is why we now see Greta.

The pro-Greta point-of-view is the easier one to understand: we need to stop polluting because we are killing the environment and leaving nothing for the future. Okay. Fine. Stop polluting. Got it.

The anti-Greta point-of-view is trickier. I think that the majority of the anti-Greta camp don’t really understand what they are being misdirected towards. Greta is a Western phenomenon: a Western kid trending on Western media. A Western world problem sold to the West by Western media. The ire of the anti-Greta camp is not being drummed up to oppose pollution in Western states, it’s been stimulated in order to use as a weapon against the East…

Demonising the enemy

Demonising the enemy is an age old tactic in warfare, it’s used in practically every major conflict. No sane soldier likes to kill people, in fact, a soldier feels good when he (or she) can protect people from harm. That is why soldiers are led to believe that their adversaries are less than human: it’s why (to Americans) Vietnamese soldiers were not men and women, but “gooks”, it’s why (in World War II) Jews were not citizens, but big-nosed devils seeking to plunder the fatherland.

In the public domain
In the public domain

Obviously it’s okay to kill a devil who started a war and who sits upon the skeletons of those he conquered while counting his money, you’re only defending yourself against him! Hell, better kill his kids while you’re at it, they’ll grow up to be just like him! And so we justify the atrocities we commit against one another – because our humanity can simply be switched off by our “leaders” when they choose to do so.

And as with the Greta saga, most people won’t even question this logic.

The target in this case, the demon, is the East. Specifically: it’s China. 

This is to be expected. A major trade war at the moment indicates just where Western interests currently lie and the lengths they are prepared to go to to foster their own agendas. Actually, that doesn’t even begin to start to explain the lengths to which they will go, which is where Greta comes in.

The Greta debate/smokescreen is generating anger and hostility. These negative feelings need an outlet – a target – and one is being presented to them. The pro-Greta movement need emissions reduced and the environment to be saved. The anti-Greta movement need to shift the blame to somebody other than themselves. The two movements find common ground when China becomes the enemy…

But meanwhile, the debate rages so furiously that few see the demonisation of China even taking place. Hey, who cares if a billion rural Chinese have no access to power, as long as the environment is safe, right? I wonder how long it will be before they just become “gooks” as well…

Why now?

The US is losing ground to China. While communism is often (and rightly) vilified, it has allowed the Chinese government to make and implement plans over a period of decades, as opposed to the short-term five-year max planning of the Western world (the typical period between elections). Sure I hate communism, but I damn well hate representative democracies too! (See the links to “Give me Liberty, or give me Death!” and “Decentralised Victories” at the end of this article for an explanation as to why I say that.)

Feeling the upper hand slowly slip from its grasp, the US (and its Western allies – specifically the EU) needs to try to repress Chinese advancement and restore its unchallenged position at the top of global economics. (Spoiler alert: it won’t succeed.)

It’s latest weapon in the war of economics is climate change: with a 16-year-old Swedish girl being the pawn who is (unknowingly) firing the shots.

But won’t the US be shooting itself in the foot too?

No. Because (as the anti-Greta movement will very quickly point out), US carbon emissions are in decline, while China’s are growing. In fact (as they will also point out) China now produces considerably more carbon emission than the US does.

Bad China! Good USA! 



Because, as I said earlier, there is no single solution that applies to all cases.

The US is a developed country, its citizens enjoy one of the highest living standards on Earth. The average US resident is “rich” compared to the global norm. The US can afford the luxury of investing extensively in expensive renewable and environmentally friendly energy. China can’t.

China is a country that is still growing. It has a lot of wealth, but it also has about 20% of the world’s population – most of whom are extremely poor. Despite Western reports to the contrary, China does invest extensively in renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources, but it is in no position to turn away from coal and other pollutants – not without starving about one billion people!

Put in simple terms: The US can afford to become far more environmentally friendly than what China can, and it’s using this to make China look like the “bad guy”.

It has no right to do so.

I don’t like the fact that China pollutes so much, I hate it! I don’t like that it’s let its population explode to such a degree. But like it or not, that is the current situation, and we have to deal with it as it is now.

But while the US points fingers, those who are so quick to jump on the anti-China bandwagon would do well to see that they are begin played – again!

You see, when comparing apples, make sure that you compare them with other apples! The first thing that you will never see the anti-China movement mention is that per capita carbon dioxide emission statistics put the US in a position FAR WORSE than China! According to these 2017 statistics, the US produces 15.7 tons of CO2 per person per year, compared to China’s 7.7, that’s more than double! No, the finger pointers will stick to total emissions, which play in their favour.

But they’re only in their favour because the US is an already developed country. Is it fair to suddenly tell all the undeveloped and developing countries that they must conform to First-World emission norms when they haven’t had the chance to grow their own economies yet? Sure, technology is available today, but it comes at a price! Were the global distribution of wealth to be more equitable, then the Western powers would have an argument, but it isn’t  – so they don’t. Instead, the wealth lies firmly in the grasp of the already developed countries: those who already developed, already polluted, already made their money. How can they now say to the others: “we’re fine now, we’re going green, you guys are not allowed to develop at the cost of the environment as we once did”?

Once again I remind you: I’m not speaking in favour of anyone here, I’m merely showing you how the finger-pointing happens.

The graph below is one you will typically see the anti-China group use: the accompanying text being something along the lines of: “look how the US and Europe are reducing emissions while China is increasing theirs to record levels!”

From Zieben007 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons – modified by Bit Brain

Looking at the graph you can see that that is true; but what else can you see? Well for starters, let’s remember that China has about four times as many people as the US does, that already throws the “bad China” theory out the window. Then we remember that China is still developing, then we remember how much damage the US and Europe have already done in their time.

Put into perspective, this is the total CO2 produced by China thus far:

From Zieben007 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons – modified by Bit Brain

And here is what the US has produced:

From Zieben007 [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons – modified by Bit Brain

Compare the size of the shaded areas. Compare the countries respective population sizes. Who is the “bad guy” now? Don’t forget the EU in all of this: sure, 100 million tons of carbon is nothing by today’s standards, but when you were producing that in 1865, while the rest of the world combined were virtually on “0”, then you an appreciate how the EU got such a massive head start back in the low population world. Should other people be denied that opportunity now?

The fact that we now see Greta in front of the UN tells us that there is political will to put her there, which in turn tells us that big money wants her to be seen there. That in turn tells us that big money stands to profit from a move towards green technology, which then tells us that big money now owns solar companies, hydroelectric equipment suppliers, wind turbine manufacture plants etc. If big money didn’t stand to gain from this, then you wouldn’t see Greta. Evidently it is now the plan of the West to move towards clean energy, a drive been made possible thanks to a newly concerned public who are been sheeped into that direction (probably far too late to actually save the Earth!). You can bet your bottom dollar that renewable energy is going to be ballooning into (and is already becoming) the next multi-trillion dollar industry.

If it wasn’t, then a 16-year-old kid would never have made it to the UN on her own merits. The cry of the child would not have been heard.


Greta is there to stir up attention, to cause the ecology debate to hit centre stage on the global agenda. Her supporters ensure that.

The opposition to Greta is there to direct the focus, to shift the responsibility of climate change and pollution off the West, and onto the East.

This is done is an attempt to suppress Eastern development, and therefore competition, as the Western world continues to lose ground to the likes of China, India and Russia. This is also done to make a few very rich people even richer – with taxpayer money – as Western governments invest in green energy. The big money scores double – and all it cost them was a little PR effort for a 16-year-old kid.

The environment is in danger, REAL danger. Unfortunately, no matter what we do at this stage, people will suffer. Ignoring environmental consequences sets up a nightmare scenario for future generations: for Greta, her children and their children. For undeveloped countries to attempt to go fully green now they will be forced to neglect and starve many of their current citizens – cue rioting, international condemnation, instability etc. I tell you again, there is no quick and easy fix.

The fact is simply that the world is overpopulated – grossly so. As long as the caveman breeding instinct continues to triumph over common sense and forward planning, our children will be doomed to suffer a life on a planet with increasingly limited resources.

I honestly don’t know if the green revolution can come in time to save this planet. It can’t happen all at once, for reasons already stated above. It also can’t stem the tide of humans breeding like flies, that too needs to stop if we are to survive as a species. What I do know is this: people now seek to make money from green energy. The West seeks to put the blame for climate change on the East. Greta is just a very visible part of that process. You’re being manipulated. You’re being played.

There is something about the cry of a child that adults immediately react to.

Additional reading:
If you are looking for more information in this regard, or if you are having difficulty relating to what I have written, or feel that more evidence is required to support what I have said today, then ensure that you read these too:

Propaganda and Patriotism: (very relevant when kids are used as media pawns)

The link between Money, Government and the Media:

Wikipedia article on the Nayirah testimony

Yours in crypto (which can hopefully help a little with this mess)

Bit Brain


[1] The Global Public Relations Handbook, Revised and Expanded Edition: Theory, Research, and Practice ~ Sriramesh Krishnamurthy & Vercic Dejan; Taylor & Francis, 2009

Featured image from Wikimedia Commons

Footnote: I considered breaking this article into two or three parts, but decided not to split it and break the logical flow. I realised that if somebody was not going to make it all the way through, then they probably weren’t the kind of person who was going to make it halfway through anyway.

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~ Bit Brain

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General Mills prevails in false ad lawsuit over sugar content in cereals

General Mills prevails in false ad lawsuit over sugar content in cereals (Foodnavigator USA)

  • After a three-year long class-action lawsuit, the case accusing General Mills of falsely advertising its cereals as healthy when they contain high levels of sugar has been dismissed by a federal judge in California.
  • The judge noted there was no consensus on how much sugar is healthy (the FDA hasn’t updated their definition of the word since 1994 and also has no clear guidelines on how much sugar in a product is too much).
  • He further noted that “the actual ingredients were fully disclosed” on both the front and side panel of the company’s packaging and the plaintiffs therefore could not plausibly claim to be misled about the sugar content of their purchases.

Analysis and Comments

  • While the case was dismissed a few weeks ago, it’s still worth pointing out as it is not the only one of its kind; there are two similar lawsuits filed in 2016 against cereal makers involving the same law firm and some of the same plaintiffs which are still in play.
  • There’s also a class-action complaint claiming Kellogg overstated health claims on its cereals and cereal bars that  was recently referred to mediation.
  • Another lawsuit against Post is still in court, claiming that their packaging is allegedly misleading as it states that honey is the primary sweetener when according to the plaintiffs the cereal gets most of its flavour from cane and beet sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup, malted barley syrup, and molasses rather than honey.
  • This issue is unlikely to go away anytime soon (even though the ruling may speed up the closing of some of these cases), as breakfast cereals are a major source of free sugars in children. Sales volumes are likely to continue to go down because of the consumer backlash at their high sugar content.
  • Currently, in the majority of countries it is mandatory to have nutritional information for food and most drinks. However, the problem is that for the average consumer the data is meaningless because of its complexity. In the long term, we think that there is a strong possibility that graphic health warnings and traffic light labelling could be used for high-fat sugar and salty (HFSS) food and drinks.

Esports & Gaming News

Video game loot boxes should be classed as gambling, says Commons (The Guardian)

  • A House of Commons committee has advised that loot boxes should be regulated as gambling and banned for children.
  • The recommendation features as part of the DCMS report on immersive and addictive technologies and states that games featuring loot boxes that are paid for with real money (as opposed to earned as in-game rewards) should be marked as containing gambling and age-rated accordingly.
  • The report also touched on the concerning rise of deepfake videos, urging the government to include them as part of the duty of care principles for social media firms laid out in the online harms white paper.

Analysis and Comments

  • The most obviously impacted franchise would be EA’s FIFA, as Ultimate Team would presumably be captured by this proposal.
  • While not a helpful line for the broader industry, the regulatory overhang regarding loot boxes is not really news. Loot boxes are already banned in Belgium, which has resulted in several games being pulled from the market (as the only alternative would have been to obtain a gambling license).
  • In this case, the effectiveness of the measures will presumably be determined by their enforcement, as the rules could be easily flouted if parents or other adults allow their bank details to be used for under 18 year olds to purchase these type of features.
  • The country’s gaming trade body (UK Interactive Entertainment) said they would review the recommendations and “consult with the industry on how we demonstrate further our commitment to player safety – especially concerning minors and vulnerable people”. The government said it “will consider the committee’s report carefully before responding”.

Overwatch League, Nielsen Release AMA Viewership Data (The Esports Observer)

  • After entering a deal in April 2018, Activision Blizzard and Nielsen have now released viewership figures (average-minute-audience) on the Overwatch League (OWL) for the first time.
  • The data compares digital streams last year vs. digital streams and linear broadcast this year, showing that the OWL averaged 313k viewers globally and 95k in the US, an annual increase of 18% and 34% increase, respectively.
  • Notably, the median age of OWL is 24, which according to Nielsen data is far younger than the other leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, the PGA Tour, and college football and basketball) which underscores the reach/impact esports have with younger demographics.

Analysis and Comments

  • The viewership figures are the most important metric when assessing an esport’s success; however, because companies and the media often provide different types of viewership figures with poor context, it is often unclear what thesenumbers actually mean.
  • As a result, streaming viewership is still often difficult to compare with traditional TV ratings, and previous attempts to do so have inflated the success of esports in problematic ways.
  • Activision Blizzard’s partnership with Nielsen is a big step in the right direction in establishing more usable and consistent metrics that will help better inform investors’ decisions (and will give them more confidence in the data).
  • Nielsen has been steadily growing its presence in the space and signed a deal with Riot Games earlier this year to measure League of Legends’ esports viewership – something we view as an exciting development as League is the world’s largest esport and has recently started introducing the franchise model to its national leagues as well.  

Patients seem willing, but few taking part in telehealth, poll finds

Patients seem willing, but few taking part in telehealth, poll finds (HealthcareDive)

  • According to a survey from Telehealth vendor American Well, 66% of consumers are willing to try telehealth, but only 8% have actually done it and 17% of those interested in virtual care were unsure whether the service was covered by their insurance.
  • Another study (from health system Intermountain Healthcare) found that only 20% of people had heard of telehealth, which American Well called “a tremendous opportunity”.
  • Additionally, two thirds of Americans are using devices that help them monitor their personal health and 50% use health apps.

Berenberg view

  • Telehealth is clearly increasing in popularity – the number of physicians reporting telemedicine as a skill rose 20% per year over the past three years according to a study from professional medical network Doximity – with younger generations the most likely to make use of the new virtual care services (surprise).
  • According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), virtually conducted doctor-patient visits increased by 261% yearly between 2015 and 2017.  
  • However, the article also highlights the well-known gap between people saying they are willing to try something new and people actually then trying it – as well as the continued efforts required in consumer education.
  • The two key groups telemedicine providers have to convince are mothers (since they still handle the majority of their childrens’ doctor visits) and seniors (a tricky one, given the inherent reluctance to use the tech, but a lucrative and growing market which could probably be accessed by targeting the younger relatives who look after their care rather than the seniors themselves).

Teladoc: a specialized telemedicine company

Teladoc Share price

? Daily Crypto News, September, 10th?

  • Stellar to Airdrop 2 Billion XLM Crypto Tokens Worth $120 Million ;
  • Decentralized Brave Browser Tops Chrome in Google Play Rankings in Japan ;
  • IBM Now Holds 6 of 11 Seats on Hyperledger Blockchain Steering Board ;
  • VanEck’s New Bitcoin Trust Assets Total Just $41K in First Week ;
  • Japan: Bitcoin Surpasses XRP in Yen-Denominated Crypto Holdings ;
  • ? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 10th?
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

? Stellar to Airdrop 2 Billion XLM Crypto Tokens Worth $120 Million

Chat with your friends – and get paid to do it.

The Stellar Development Foundation and messaging service Keybase announced Monday a 2 billion XLM airdrop, the largest in Stellar’s five-year history, worth roughly $120 million. Over the next 20 months, Keybase users can expect monthly airdrops of 100 million XLM.

Keybase currently has 300,000 active users across its various services, according to the company.
“All you have to do is have an authenticated Keybase account, and your XLM will appear in your wallet – automatically, every month, for as long as the airdrop continues,” according to a draft blog post shared with CoinDesk.

?Decentralized Brave Browser Tops Chrome in Google Play Rankings in Japan

The popularity of the decentralized blockchain-enabled web browser Brave continues to grow as it has outranked other browsers in Google Play rankings in Japan.

Brave beats rival browsers

According to a Reddit post on Sept. 8, this is the first time that the privacy-focused Brave browser has overtaken its rival browsers such as Firefox, Opera and Chrome in Japan. The most recent ranking data from Google Play shows that Brave sits comfortably at number 10 on the list, while its closest competitor Firefox lags behind, occupying 14th place.

A Google Play ranking is determined by how well apps perform against several key metrics such as crash rates, app-not-responding rates, excessive WiFi, location or processing in the background. 

? IBM Now Holds 6 of 11 Seats on Hyperledger Blockchain Steering Board

IBM has doubled the number of its employees on the technical steering committee (TSC) of Hyperledger, stoking concerns about the tech giant’s influence on the enterprise blockchain consortium.

Six out of the 11 2019-2020 TSC members announced last week are IBM employees. Five work at Big Blue itself and one, Mark Wagner, is a senior principal engineer at Red Hat, an IBM subsidiary. By comparison, the previous year’s TSC had only two IBM representatives and the same number of total seats (Wagner served on the committee, but IBM’s acquisition of Red Hat did not close until July 2019).

The new committee will begin governing after the new TSC chair is elected next week.

? VanEck’s New Bitcoin Trust Assets Total Just $41K in First Week

Investment management firm VanEck has issued just 4 bitcoins (BTC) via its new trust focused on institutional investors. 
VanEck: one week, one Bitcoin basket

Data from the company, spotted by economist and cryptocurrency commentator Alex Krüger on Sept. 10, showed that since its launch at the start of the month, VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust 144A Shares total net assets are only $41,400.

The product, which caused a buzz after VanEck described it as being akin to an exchange-traded fund (ETF), caters strictly to so-called qualified institutional buyers, or QIBs.

“VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust 144A Shares… looks and feels like a traditional ETF,” its official description reads.

? Japan: Bitcoin Surpasses XRP in Yen-Denominated Crypto Holdings

Fresh data from the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA) has revealed that as of April 2019, the value of yen-denominated Bitcoin (BTC) holdings has outstripped those in XRP on domestic exchanges. 

As Cointelegraph Japan reported on Sept. 10, the surge in the value of exchanges’ Bitcoin holdings coincides with the beginning of Bitcoin’s 2019 bullish uptrend, which saw the top cryptocurrency hit close to $14,000 by late June. 

More XRP is being accumulated, but value declining


? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 10th?

“We are happy to share with the community our dApp Testnet release on September 10th.”

David Atkinson at The Blockchain Centre at 7:00 PM in Singapore.

“At 1pm UTC on 10 September CEO @HMsheikh4 will be answering questions on @coin98_net’s Facebook page.”

“Gathering the key players in the blockchain space in town to discuss adoption, decentralized applications & financial systems”

Perth Meetup


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yersterday :


Here is the current chart :


The zone around 0.165$-0.164$ starts to be a support zone and even we tried to break it several times, it looks like that the sellers have difficulties to go lower. We have the see what will be the results in the coming hours as we are just sitting on it but a UP bounce from that zone is possible.


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Ethical Stock Investment To Launch On New York Stock Exchange

Ethical Stock Investment To Launch On New York Stock Exchange (PlantbasedNews)

  • Beyond Investing is launching the US Vegan Climate Exchange Traded Fund (VGN ETF) on the New York Stock Exchange on September 10th.
  • The ETF is targeted at vegans looking for climate-conscious investments and is constructed by taking “the Solactive US Large Cap index (a proxy for the S&P 500 Index) and [excluding] any stocks whose activities are incompatible with a vegan and climate-conscious approach to investing, replacing damaging stocks with midcap alternatives that meet its ethical criteria.”

Analysis and Comments

  • Flows to ESG and sustainability-focused funds have spiked this year, as investors continue to focus on the investment opportunities that address issues such as climate change, (plastics) pollution, or gender pay disparities.
  • Therefore, you should expect to see continued growth in the number of investment instruments focused on these issues, particularly as worries around uncompetitive “stranded assets” intensify.

? Daily Crypto News, September, 8th?

  • Telegram Finally Releases Code for Its $1.7 Billion TON Blockchain ;
  • Ledger Live Now Supports Over 1,250 Ethereum-Based ERC-20 Tokens ;
  • Bitcoin Price Near $10,500 as Ether and Other Altcoins Make Gains ;
  • Jack Dorsey: Twitter Has No Interest in Creating Libra-Like Crypt ;
  • Confusion over Cryptojacking: reports say the technique is rising and falling ;
  • ? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 8th?
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

? Telegram Finally Releases Code for Its $1.7 Billion TON Blockchain

Telegram’s blockchain project, TON, has entered the last preparation stage before going live.
The code for running a blockchain node was released on the test network portal late Friday. Now developers and community members interested in the messaging app provider’s blockchain can start kicking the tires of a full node, a validator node and the blockchain explorer.

The release had been previously scheduled for Sept. 1, according to the sources familiar with the project’s progress, but was delayed a few days for unclear reasons.

? Ledger Live Now Supports Over 1,250 Ethereum-Based ERC-20 Tokens

French hardware wallets manufacturer Ledger announced that its cryptocurrency management software Ledger Live now supports Ethereum (ETH) ERC-20 tokens.

In a blog post published on Sept. 5, Ledger announced the version 1.14.0 of its Ledger Live software that now supports over 1,250 Ethereum-based ERC-20 tokens. The update has already been released for both mobile and desktop versions of the software.

? Bitcoin Price Near $10,500 as Ether and Other Altcoins Make Gains

Saturday, Sept. 7 — Bitcoin (BTC) is trading sideways after falling short of the resistance at $11,000 yesterday, while Ether (ETH) is making a slight recovery from its dip earlier this week

Market visualization. Source: Coin360

Bitcoin has been trading in a range around $10,400 today. Yesterday it appeared that the coin would finally cross the $11,000 mark, a price the cryptocurrency has not seen since Aug. 13, but it fell short and corrected down to $10,313. At press time the coin is trading at $10,521, up 1% on the day.

? Jack Dorsey: Twitter Has No Interest in Creating Libra-Like Crypto

Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey stated that there are no plans for a platform-specific “Twitcoin” cryptocurrency, noting that he will instead focus on promoting Bitcoin (BTC).

Open standards are better
According to Australian news outlet The Sydney Morning Herald’s article published on Sept. 5, Dorsey is confident that Bitcoin is still the most likely candidate to beсome the internet’s native currency. Twitter CEO noted:
“I think open internet standards serve every person better than ones controlled or started by companies.”

? Confusion over Cryptojacking: reports say the technique is rising and falling

 It seems like everyone and their dog is a cryptojacker these days. Just a couple days ago, the US Department of Justice charged Paige Thompson, the ex-Amazon employee who hacked into hundreds of millions of customer accounts from credit card company Capital, with the crime.

Thompson was exploiting the computing services of cloud servers to mine crypto, making a tidy profit. 

And “cybergendarmes,” the French police’s crack cybersecurity team, just rumbled a hacking group that used a network of 850,000 computers to mine the cryptocurrency Monero, reports the BBC.  

It comes as no surprise, then, to hear that cybersecurity researchers from McAfee Labs just found that crypto-jacking campaigns have risen 29 percent, according to a report released this week.


? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 8th?

The Crypto School win burn 6000 TCS.

VEX (VEX/KRW, VEX/USDT) trading pairs. Deposits starting from Monday, 15:00 KST. Available for trading from Wednesday, 15:00 KST.

“Equal will be burning 12 million EQL in the third phase of the burn cycle.”

“Our new fee structure begins September 9th, and offers fee reductions for holding as little as 50 MTL…”

“On 9th September, Zilliqa and @Infinito_Ltd look forward to hosting a joint AMA .”


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yersterday :


Here is the current chart :


The STEEM is doing a similar pattern than the BTC but I’m not sure that we will be able to go test the 0.18$. We drop litte bit too much compared to BTC (as it is often the case) and so that resistance level is still quiet far. If the BTC starts again to correct, I expect that we won’t test at all the 0.18$ resistance and that the drop will come back on the STEEM also.


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? Daily Crypto News, September, 7th?

  • Blockchain Startup DappRadar Raises $2.33M From Naspers, Blockchain.com ;
  • Ethereum’s Istanbul Hard Fork Implementation Delayed to Early October ;
  • The State of Security Token Regulations in Asia ;
  • Fed Chair Says Agency Monitoring Crypto But Not Developing Its Own ;
  • How Celsius Turned Its Crypto ICO Into a Billion-Dollar Lending Business ;
  • ? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 7th?
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

? Blockchain Startup DappRadar Raises $2.33M From Naspers, Blockchain.com

Lithuanian blockchain startup DappRadar, a platform for discovering and analyzing blockchain-based decentralized applications (DApps), announced it raised $2.33 million in seed funding.
$2.33 million to expand services 

On Sept. 5, DappRadar announced the closing of a $2.33 million seeding round, which was led by Naspers, a South African-based global internet and media group. Blockchain.com Ventures, a venture capital fund and subsidiary of Blockchain.com, and Angel Invest Berlin were also among the participants.

? Ethereum’s Istanbul Hard Fork Implementation Delayed to Early October

Ethereum’s testnet activation of the Istanbul hard fork has been pushed back to early October, according to the community manager of the Ethereum Foundation, Hudson Jameson.

According to CoinDesk on Sept. 6, Jameson said on a developers’ call that the testnet launch of the hard fork is now scheduled to take place in the beginning of October.

He added:

“For anyone listening in who doesn’t know how this works, we pick a block number that we estimate to be around the 2nd of October. […] However, that might be one or two days behind or forward from that date based on how fast blocks are produced between now and then.”

? The State of Security Token Regulations in Asia

Since the cryptocurrency boom and initial coin offering craze of 2017, many countries in Asia have taken steps to clarify their regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies and security tokens.

In this article, we focus on the three countries that have the clearest regulations in place regarding digital assets, though there is still more work to be done.

Click on this link to see updated regulations in Thailand, Hong-Kong and Singapore

? Fed Chair Says Agency Monitoring Crypto But Not Developing Its Own

Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Jerome Powell said that the United States Federal Reserve is monitoring digital currencies carefully, but not working on its own at the moment.
Speaking at a forum in Zurich, Switzerland, on Sept. 6, Powell addressed the issue of cryptocurrencies, arguing that central banks would likely will not release their own digital currency in the near future.

Powell added that cryptocurrencies raise a range of concerns including cyber security issues:
“If you think about one currency that was for the United States, it would really need to be cyber secure because it’s one thing to be able to counterfeit paper currency, it’s another thing to hack into a cyber currency and create, with a computer, however much of it you want.”

? How Celsius Turned Its Crypto ICO Into a Billion-Dollar Lending Business

 The Takeaway:
Crypto lending startup Celsius raised $50 million in a token sale in 2018.

Lending volume has surged since then, with 10,415 Celsius users taking out fiat loans after locking in crypto collateral.

BitGo confirmed to CoinDesk that it held $1 billion worth of crypto deposits from Celsius over the past year.

CEL tokens are trading for roughly the same price today as they were last autumn, shortly after the token sale.

So far, Celsius says it has not been contacted by any regulatory body with concerns about CEL tokens.


? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 7th?

The announcement for Vexanium Dapps Competition 2019 winner!

“Deep reorg protection is coming. Testnet until end of August 2019. Mainnet September 6th 2019.”

“The event will be the first of the EXANTE series on DeFi, decentralized finance.”

Shanghai Blockchain Technological Innovation Summit from 9:00 – 17:00.

“Xensor will be listed in IDAX exchange on September 6th, 2019”


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yersterday :


Here is the current chart :


Till now and also due to the BTC correction, the UP that we had yesterday is becoming a simple PUMP and DUMP. We almost lost all the UP of yesterday so yeah, just consider it as a false signal. I traced for you the low on the STEEM around 0.155$. It is really possible that we go touch it quiet soon. Let’s see if we will have a bounce on that level.


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? Daily Crypto News, September, 6th?

  • China’s National Crypto Similar to Libra, Central Bank Official Says ;
  • Binance Launches Dollar-Backed Crypto Stablecoin With NYDFS Blessing ;
  • The State of Security Token Regulations in Asia ;
  • Blockchain, Cryptocurrency Not Proven Safe Havens Says Investor Mark Mobius ;
  • Someone Just Moved $1B in Bitcoin for $700 Fee, Overpaying 20 Times ;
  • ? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 6th?
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

? China’s National Crypto Similar to Libra, Central Bank Official Says

A top official at China’s central bank has confirmed that the country’s forthcoming digital currency will bear similarities to Facebook’s Libra token.

The English-language website of the Hong Kong Economic Journal reported the news on Sept. 6, citing prior coverage by Shanghai Securities News, which is owned by the official Chinese state-run Xinhua News Agency.
“We need to plan ahead for a rainy day”

Mu Changchun — deputy director of the People’s Bank of China (PBoC)’s payments department — has said that China’s digital currency will be supported across major e-payments platforms such as Tencent’s WeChat and Alibaba-backed Alipay.
The tokens will be guaranteed by the central bank and thus as secure as PBoC-issued paper notes and can be used without an internet connection, to ensure that transactions can continue even in the event that communications networks are down. 

? Binance Launches Dollar-Backed Crypto Stablecoin With NYDFS Blessing

Crypto exchange Binance is launching a dollar-backed stablecoin in the U.S.

Moreover, the new Binance USD (BUSD) has received the blessing of the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). The exchange announced Thursday that NYDFS had approved the new offering, which Binance is launching in partnership with the Paxos Trust Company.

The Binance stablecoin will be backed by U.S. dollars on a 1:1 ratio, according to a press release. The offering joins the Paxos Standard and the Gemini Dollar as an NYDFS-approved stablecoin.

At launch, verified Paxos customers will be able to directly purchase BUSD tokens through the company’s wallet using either U.S. dollars or PAX, its own stablecoin. Binance users will likewise be able to trade BUSD for bitcoin, binance coin or XRP.

? The State of Security Token Regulations in Asia

Since the cryptocurrency boom and initial coin offering craze of 2017, many countries in Asia have taken steps to clarify their regulations surrounding cryptocurrencies and security tokens.

In this article, we focus on the three countries that have the clearest regulations in place regarding digital assets, though there is still more work to be done.

Click on this link to see updated regulations in Thailand, Hong-Kong and Singapore

? Blockchain, Cryptocurrency Not Proven Safe Havens Says Investor Mark Mobius

Mark Mobius, major investor and founding partner of Mobius Capital Partners, is still bearish on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology… with some caveats.

Speaking on CNBC’s The Squawk Box this morning concerning emerging markets and safe-haven asset classes, Mobius said cryptocurrencies, like fiat, are backed by faith and only hold utility as far as others are willing to use them.

“The bottom line is there is a whole generation of people who have faith in the internet, they have faith in these cryptocurrencies…the degree to which a cryptocurrency can enable you to buy something and you believe that to be the case, then that’s fine.”

Mobius said a gold-backed cryptocurrency run on the blockchain would be of interest, however. “If there is a cryptocurrency that is really backed by gold and there is a meaningful agreement and some kind of modern thing connection, then this could be quite interesting,” he said.

? Someone Just Moved $1B in Bitcoin for $700 Fee, Overpaying 20 Times

A $1 billion Bitcoin (BTC) transaction has become conspicuous not because of its size but because its sender spent far too much on fees. 
Someone could have sent 94K BTC for $35

Social media users were guessing at the origin and destination of the funds on Sept. 6, which involved 94,504 BTC ($1.018 billion).

According to Twitter-based monitoring resource Whale Alert, the transaction did not involve known wallets or those belonging to a specific cryptocurrency-related organization, such as an exchange.
One theory suggested the funds may be tied to institutional trading platform Bakkt, which begins accepting client deposits today.

building inventory for their market-making needs going forward,” commented Max Keiser on the giant transaction. He added:
“This = effective ‘put’ on the BTC price at $9,000 (as I’ve been reporting for several yrs now). Ie, institutions are net-buyers of any BTC that shows up at $9k. Risk/reward now for buyers is excellent.” 


? Daily Crypto Calendar, September, 6th?

The announcement for Vexanium Dapps Competition 2019 winner!

“Deep reorg protection is coming. Testnet until end of August 2019. Mainnet September 6th 2019.”

“The event will be the first of the EXANTE series on DeFi, decentralized finance.”

Shanghai Blockchain Technological Innovation Summit from 9:00 – 17:00.

“Xensor will be listed in IDAX exchange on September 6th, 2019”


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yersterday :


Here is the current chart :


Yesterday I was saying you that we need an increase of volume and volatility to break the support line at 0.18$. It happened only some hours after my article. The only negative point is that we are doing a pull back on this support line at 0.18$ but we already broke back the support. It is not a drama as this kind of pullback is not always precise but we must see in the coming hours a bounce from the levels at 0.18$ and see a UP continuation to validate this nice movement. If it is not the case, I’m afraid that this UP would have just been a pump and dump…


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Nearly 200 CEOs just agreed on an updated definition of “the purpose of a corporation”

Nearly 200 CEOs just agreed on an updated definition of “the purpose of a corporation” (Quartz)

  • Nearly 200 CEOs in the US, including companies such as Apple, Bayer, BP, Deere, JPM and Abbott (all members of the “Business Roundtable”) released a new Purpose of a Corporation statement this week.
  • The new statement shifted from being focused exclusively on creating shareholder value to a much broader remit including all stakeholders such as employees, communities, suppliers and customers. The full statement can be found here.
  • The Business Roundtable is made up of America’s most influential corporate leaders and has periodically issued Principles of Corporate Governance since 1978, with each version since 1997 having historically endorsed the principle of shareholder primacy.

Analysis and Comments

  • One of the questions we get on ESG is whether this time it is different or whether companies are just paying lip-service to investor demands for more ESG focused strategy.
  • The above development is evidence that there is a structural shift within the corporate world. This is significant. America’s largest companies are effectively saying shareholders are nolonger a priority and that a much broader set of goals will be put in place treating other stakeholders on the same level. It’s no longer just about profit. Will be interesting to hear Trump’s thoughts….
  • Out of 189 members of the Business Roundtable, only Alcoa, Blackstone, GE, Kaiser Permanente, NextEra, Parker Hannifin and State Farm failed to sign up.