Dear Steemians,
As most Drugwars players are aware, there has been a few updates to the game, I will try to guide you through them in this post, if you have any question, feel free to comment and I will do my best to answer your questions.
I think everybody figured out a way to settle their Primary base in order to continue playing.
The easiest way was to click under your avatar to find a spot to settle.
Map and Base system
With this new update, we understood that we will be playing from now on on a DW “World Map”.
Once you decided to settle in a territory, you could access this view where you can see other people’s bases. Gang name has been added when you click on a specific base
? Useful information ?
- You can only develop 5 new bases with this new “Occupation Troop”. In the future, you might be able to have some more (around 5) but you will need to pay to have them
- As the game is today, nobody can steal your base
New Occupation Troop
This is the troop you will need to train in order to settle and create a new base
New troop “moves”
- Occupy: To colonise a new base. You will start from scratch with this new one
- Transport: To transport ressources from one base to another, useful to give a boost to your new settlements
- Station: As it is called, it is to station your troops at another base. Your troops WILL participate at any fight against this base. Useful information: When a fight happens, the owner of the base will have priority over troop losses
Storage Capacity
- The storage system changed. Until July, 25th it will stay the same except if you increased your storage capacities
- The new system is going to be 15% of the total capacity compared to 25% before, nevertheless the total capacity of your storage building has been multiplied by 3-4x meaning that the new Safe is 2.5*3x higher than previously
- HQ is specific to the base as the Training Facility and all production storage buildings
- The level of trainings you researched are common for all your troops even the one hired in a different base than the Primary
- Pantheon level is also common to the account and not to a specific base
? New Upcomings ?
- More developed GangWars
- A through tutorial for beginners
- a WikiDrugWars to access all needed information
- Cards with possibility to trade some
- New Units
- Token Listing
- Fixing Bugs, I understand players’ frustration but do not forget the FutureShock team is small and is doing its best
- Much more…
? To conclude ?
I think this update is EXACTLY what I was waiting for, the game is going to be much more strategic and less about farming inactive players.
I understand that these changes should have been better explained and that there are numerous issues to fix.
Going forward, I will work with @hightouch to bring some insights to players in order for all of us to take adequate decisions and strategies.