Otevřený dopis Čechům a Liberlanďanům,

jsem stejně jako vy také občanem České republiky a její budoucnost mi není lhostejná. Čtyři roky jsem vzdáleně pozoroval politické dění v ČR a celkovýByrokrat nominovaný na příštího šéfa EU: Sjednocení Evropy s Afrikou ‚je věcí, k níž jsme předurčeni‘Francie se poohlíží po krácení daní, aby utišila protesty Žlutých vestMeghan Markle plánuje dítě vychovávat k ‚fluidnímu přístupu k pohlavnosti‘, odhaluje Vanity Fair

jsem stejně jako vy také občanem České republiky a její budoucnost mi není lhostejná. Čtyři roky jsem vzdáleně pozoroval politické dění v ČR a celkový pokračující úpadek politické kultury. Myslím, že je jenom málo států na světě, kde trestně stíhaný premiér místo rezignace jmenuje novou ministryni spravedlnosti. Úpadek svobody a demokracie je ale globální trend. Tento vývoj mě utvrzuje ve správnosti rozhodnutí založit nový stát na úplně nových principech. Připravujeme stát, který bude fungovat nejen na dobrovolných daních, ale také na tom, že daňoví poplatnici se sami stanou akcionáři států. Mám za to, že právě to je hlavní důvod vzniku Liberlandu – představit zcela novou koncepci státního uspořádání. Navíc celý stát bude fungovat na zcela nových decentralizovaných technologiích, které uvedl v život vznik Bitcoinu.

Když mi Svobodní nabídli kandidaturu jako lídra do eurovoleb, vzal jsem to jako způsob, jak znovu dostat myšlenky, na kterých je založen Liberland, do české společenské debaty. Doufám, že jste si našich aktivit všimli a viděli jste například náš volební klip, reportáž na TV Nova, můj rozhovor na ČT24 nebo DVTV.

Spočítal jsem si, kolik nás členství EU skutečně stálo. Navštívil jsem také sídlo EFTA – Evropského společenství volného obchodu, abych ho představil jako alternativu EU. Udělal jsem rozhovor s podnikatelem, jemuž evropské dotace zlikvidovaly podnikání. Připravil jsem animované video o tom, jak ve skutečnosti funguje demokracie v EU a (ne)hlasování v Evropské komisi.

O občanství Liberlandu projevilo zájem již téměř 600 tisíc lidí, jenom v ČR je nás 17 tisíc. To je celkem velký národ. Pro to, abychom vytvořili funkční stát, je však potřeba dvou věcí. Za prvé vytvořit provotřídní systém vlády. A za druhé aktivovat žadatele o občanství, aby samotný vznik státu, ať už placením daní nebo jakoukoliv jinou tvůrčí činností, stát podpořili.

Váš hlas ve volbách číslu 25, koalici Svobodní, Liberland a Radostné Česko, může pomoci významně posílit svobodný hlas v Evropě. Šance k úspěchu je relativně velká, poslední průzkum podle agentury Median nám dává volební potenciál 8 procent.

Předem děkuji, že v těchto volbách zvážíte svou podporu.

S úctou,

Vít Jedlička

What the F*ck!

Today I had a busy day at the office…nothing new thought since working on technological projects projects has always crazy overloading days difficult to forecast in advance.

Actually, I used to work mostly of the time under unpredicted scenarios and that, as I said, it is not a surprising new…

The new is that I have been checking my feed at steemit and partiko whenever I could, I mean, as usual, at the coffee break, at lunch, on my way to different places etc… and today I noticed something that did not happen to me since long time ago…

My Voting Power reached 100%… actually, and sorry if I missed something interesting posted by the people I follow, I have not found any article that attracted me minimally to give my upvote and that is really weird! I am a consistent upvoter, or at least that’s how I consider I am myself…but I like to upvote some good stuff as well which, honestly I miss nowadays…

I don’t know what is happening here but I really think that not only the quality of the posts are decreasing but also the amount of posts is also doing so… even if it seems we are escaping from the BEAR’s claws, it looks like people are not so motivated to write about interesting things or even normal life topics or projects…

Very difficult to find usual steemians writing these days, even more difficult to find new ones…

…or perhaps it is only my subjective perception…. I don’t know…

Hope the good times will come back…


O’Reilly Automotive Isn’t A Buy Yet

O’Reilly Automotive Inc opened their first store in 1957 in Missouri and today stands at over 4900 stores in 47 states.  Their distribution centers and hub stores has allowed them to maintain quick delivery times that their competitors can’t match.

O’Reilly Automotive Inc (NASDAQ:ORLY) is the biggest of the brick and mortar DIY automotive supply stores in the nation. So, it was a bit of shock in late April when it announced that Q1 was weaker than expected. Revenue and earnings were below expectations and even low for the company’s projections, which are usually conservative.

And ORLY stock had been

Patience Pays My Friends $TWTR

Twitter is ripping into the gap again currently up 4% and climbing over 39 headed towards $40. I have been chirping about the bird for week and then earnings gave it the turn I was expecting. I am trying to play this patient long game with this one and have held throughout the earnings pull in looking for something to take off…

Boom! TWTR has just taken back the past 10 days with 1 hour this morning. There is some massive flow coming into the Blue Bird and I am expecting this to continue. The trend is your friend and I

Crypto Shopping Cart – 22 May

Alts are still cheap and I’m still buying! The time has come to be selective with what you buy: some altcoins have already shot up in price. Being a value investor, I try to pick the coins that represent the best deal at the time. Of course what I’m really saying is “Buy Low, Sell High”, but I’m always amazed at how difficult it seems for many people to do that, especially the “Buy Low” part! Well, I’ve done my best to buy low and I’d like to show you what I’ve considered worthy of buying this time.

This has been

BITCOIN – 22 May

On 4hr chart, candles seem to be clinging hard on the bull flag top resistance, possible leg up breakout. HS right shoulder seems to be dragging a little far to complete. Possible mini triangle consolidation, breakout soon in 1-2 day. Seem like the sellers are less willing to sell lower, probably need some bad news to press the price down.
News: (Current) | (Upcoming)
Short term moving average (day candle) :
Network Value to Transactions Ratio :100
Total marketcap :245
Dominance :56.5
Bitfinex Margin Long/Short Volume Ratio :
Depth Chart : (S) | (R)
Weekly Timeframe :

Currency Analysis Report 5-22-19…How Much More Downside Left On The Aussie Dollar???

The Reserve Bank of Australia appears poised to slice official interest rates, with governor Philip Lowe on Tuesday saying it would be on the bank’s agenda next month.In a speech to the Queensland branch of the Economic Society of Australia in Brisbane, Dr Lowe said without a cut in interest rates it was unlikely the bank’s forecasts for lower unemployment and a lift in inflation would be met.Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe, in a speech in Brisbane, says the RBA will “consider the case for lower interest rates” when it meets in June.Declaring that Australia could “do better” than have

Liberland news

The Free Country That Operates In “Anarchy” with Jeff Berwick | Steven Melnik Happiness Amplified

In this interview with Steven Melnik, Jeff Berwick, the founder of Anarchapulco shares his thoughts on Liberland, and more. Jeff believes that Liberland will prove to people that a country without a heavy government is better and will inevitably thrive. He says that even if this free country doesn’t work out perfectly, at the very least, some lessons would be learned to improve it. Jeff also gives a new meaning to the word Anarchy, and states that the only rule in Anarchy is, “don’t hurt anyone.” To watch the full video of this and other interviews, visit Steven Melnik’s Happiness Amplified at https://youtube.com/stevenmelnik

Crypto Contest May 22: Everipedia

Everipedia (Bitfinex: IQXUSD) has broken out of the triangle pattern in the daily chart.

(Chart courtesy of Tradingview.com (log scale))

Elliott Wave Analysis

In Elliott Wave terms, Everipedia began a wave one advance on February 6. The red wave one (blue sub-waves i-ii-iii-iv-v) finished on April 16, and the red wave two (blue sub-waves a-b-c) correction ended on May 14. If this wave count is correct, Everipedia should be heading next towards the April 16 peak in the red wave three.

(Chart courtesy of Tradingview.com (log scale))


Everipedia’s IQ Network is an encyclopedia that allows anyone to become a stakeholder in the system and earn rank, rewards & tokens for

Unusual Options Activity In T-Mobile

Two months ago, the U.S. Justice Department told T-Mobile US Inc and Sprint Corp that it opposes their planned $26 billion merger in its current form. A biggest issue being that if approved it would reduce the number of national wireless carriers available to consumers from four to three. The thought is if there is less competition, consumers are susceptible to higher prices, in this case higher cell phone bills.

On Monday, it was announced the merger received support from the Federal Communications Commission in a significant step toward the deal’s approval.  FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, a Republican, came out in